Want to set up a CCUS hub to decarbonize industry at scale?

Build on the experience of the world’s most advanced hubs.

The CCUS Hub

A CCUS hub takes carbon dioxide from several different emitters and  transports and stores it using common infrastructure. It reduces costs and risks for individual companies and governments, and opens up CCUS as a decarbonization option at scale.

The CCUS Hub aims to help political decision-makers, industrial emitters, carbon transport & storage operators and potential hub developers to set up their own CCUS hubs, learning from the experience of those already in advanced development. 

We’ve launched a new section designed to help you access the technical work that has taken place in the pioneering hubs and use it to create new ones more quickly and cost-effectively.


Get all the lessons from The CCUS Hub in one place

Who are you?

It takes many different stakeholders to build a CCUS hub. Choose your profile to get started:


We have created a set of tools that provide practical assistance to stakeholders in the CCUS sector.

CCUS Hub Search

The CCUS Hub Search identifies 279 potential CCUS hubs in 56 countries. It matches clusters of CO2 sources from a range of emitting industries with possible storage locations. It defines possible and optimal hub areas, based on estimates of cost per tonne.

CCUS Value Tool

This tool calculates the impact of a CCUS project on direct and indirect employment and gross value added. It focuses initially on calculating the impact of capture projects in four hard-to-abate industries and six UK regions.

The CCUS Hub Search

The CCUS Hub Search identifies 279 potential CCUS hubs in 56 countries. It matches clusters of CO2 sources from a range of emitting industries with possible storage locations. It defines possible and optimal hub areas, based on estimates of cost per tonne.


CCUS Hub News

News about the development of CCUS hubs around the world.

September 15, 2023

The UK backs up its plans for CCUS hubs by granting storage licences and investing in skills training

The North Sea Transition Authority has awarded 21 licences to 14 companies to store up to 30 million tonnes of CO2 per year in depleted oil and gas reservoirs and saline aquifers by 2030 – around 10% of current UK annual emissions.

Separately, the Scottish Government Just Transition Funding partnered with ETZ and Shell to build an Energy Transition Skills Hub that aims to train 1,000 people for jobs in areas from CCUS, to wind turbine construction and electrification over its first five years.

August 11, 2023

US direct air capture hubs announced

The US Department of Energy announced the locations of the first two commercial-scale direct air capture (DAC hubs) that it intends to support, as part of a $3.5 billion programme. Its aim is to kickstart a nationwide network of large-scale carbon removal sites with shared CO2 transport and storage infrastructure.

One of the two hubs will be developed by 1PointFive, a subsidiary of OGCI member company Occidental, using Carbon Engineering technology. Storage will be in a saline aquifer that has the potential to store up to 3 billion tonnes of CO2. The current plan is to store up to 30 MT of CO2 per year through DAC and provide transport and storage options to nearby industrial emitters on the Texas Gulf Coast.

Two other OGCI members, Shell and Chevron, are participating in projects that were among the 19 selected to start negotiations on support for feasibility and FEED studies.

July 31, 2023

The UK government selects two more CCUS hubs for faster progress

The UK government has selected two relatively mature CCUS hubs, Acorn CCS in Scotland and Viking T&S in the Humber region, to participate in Track 2 of its cluster sequencing programme. This status enables the hub operators to engage with government over delivery and funding plans.

The CCUS Hub Playbook

We’ve talked in-depth to the people on the frontline of developing CCUS hubs – the regulators, emitters and transport and storage providers – to draw lessons on how to get started and what to watch out for. Their collected wisdom forms the backbone of The CCUS Hub Platform and is collated in this downloadable playbook.   

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