Build on the experience of the world’s most advanced hubs.
A CCUS hub takes carbon dioxide from several different emitters and transports and stores it using common infrastructure. It reduces costs and risks for individual companies and governments, and opens up CCUS as a decarbonization option at scale.
The CCUS Hub aims to help political decision-makers, industrial emitters, carbon transport & storage operators and potential hub developers to set up their own CCUS hubs, learning from the experience of those already in advanced development.
We’ve launched a new section designed to help you access the technical work that has taken place in the pioneering hubs and use it to create new ones more quickly and cost-effectively.
It takes many different stakeholders to build a CCUS hub. Choose your profile to get started:
The CCUS Hub Search identifies 279 potential CCUS hubs in 56 countries. It matches clusters of CO2 sources from a range of emitting industries with possible storage locations. It defines possible and optimal hub areas, based on estimates of cost per tonne.
We’ve talked in-depth to the people on the frontline of developing CCUS hubs – the regulators, emitters and transport and storage providers – to draw lessons on how to get started and what to watch out for. Their collected wisdom forms the backbone of The CCUS Hub Platform and is collated in this downloadable playbook.
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The CCUS Hub is designed to support policy-makers, potential hub developers and emitters interested in setting up a CCUS hub by sharing learnings from the most advanced hubs and identifying new ones.